Kamis, 05 November 2009

Dokumentasi Open Solaris

Sistem Operasi Open Solaris

OpenSolaris adalah sistem operasi open source yang didasarkan pada Sun Microsystems Solaris. Ini juga merupakan nama dari proyek yang diprakarsai oleh Sun untuk membangun komunitas pengembang dan pengguna di sekitarnya. OpenSolaris diturunkan dari Unix System V Release 4 codebase, dengan perubahan signifikan yang dibuat oleh Sun karena membeli hak untuk kode tersebut pada tahun 1994. Ini adalah satu-satunya open source turunan System V yang tersedia. Sun telah mengumumkan bahwa versi komersial sistem operasi Solaris akan didasarkan pada teknologi dari proyek OpenSolaris.

Keluarga OS
Source model
Open source
Rilis terakhir
2009.06 / 2009-06-01; 4 bulan yang lalu
Platforms yang didukung

SPARC, IA-32, x86-64, PowerPC (dalam pengembangan),
System z on z/VM (dalam pengembangan), ARM (dalam pengembangan)
Tipe Kernel
Default user interface
Sebagian besar CDDL dengan kepemilikan komponen

Proses Instalasi

Dalam instalasi ini kita menggunakan Live CD. Pertama, Masukkan CD ke 2.008,11 OpenSolaris CD / DVD ruangan. Pilih pilihan atas untuk menginstal OpenSolaris dalam modus desktop dan tekan "Enter" untuk mempercepat booting.

In the keyboard layout selection, press "Enter"  or type number 41 to select the default keyboard layout for US-English.

On the choice of desktop language press "Enter" or type the number 6 to select the default language English. To select Indonesian, press the number 12 and then press "Enter".

Wait a few minutes until the OpenSolaris desktop display appears as shown below.

Click the Install OpenSolaris available on the desktop, so the new window appears. Then click "Next".

Determine the disk partition to install OpenSolaris, and then click "Next".

Set Time Zone, Date and Time. After that click "Next". Choose your language support, select English.

Specify username and password for a normal user, root password, and computer name.

Final review before the installation process. If there is something wrong, you can press Back to rearrange, if it is believed correct, click Install and wait a few minutes up to 100%.

The installation has been completed and click Reboot to restart.
Initial display when booting.

Enter the username that was made at the beginning of the installation. Suppose it username: andry and enter the password of the user andry.

OpenSolaris desktop after login.

List active GRUB menu

Entry autoboot setting to 5-second timeout 

The default setting for Solaris operating system load, entry number = 1

Then setting up again to load the default Solaris operating system, entry number = 0

Packages Installation
  • download package  
  • gunzip, bunzip2                                                                                                                                     When we will do the installation software package with an gz or bzip2, then we can use the command gunzip or bunzip2 to uncompress the packages.
    # bunzip2 CSKmemcached_1.3.1_i386.pkg.bz2
    # gunzip gcc-3.4.6-sol10-x86-local.gz
  • pkgadd                                                                                                                                                             Serves to transfer packages to the system / to install a software. Suppose the two above packages we've uncompress, then for the installation do the following:                 # pkgadd -d gcc-3.4.6-sol10-x86-local or
    # pkgadd -d CSKmemcached_1.3.1_i386.pkg
    Without the -d option, pkgadd will then read the package in /var/spool/pkg

GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment)

KDE (Kool Desktop Environment)

CDE (Common Desktop Environment)
Required RAM
384 MB
512 MB
64 MB
User Friendly
easy to use
Supporting Operating Environments

Cross-platform  (GNULinuxBSD,Solaris)

GNU/Linux and Unix, including HP, IBM, Mandriva, Novell, Red Hat, and Sun, Mac OS X 
AIX (IBM),Solaris 8, 7, and 2.6, IRIX , Digital UNIX / Tru64 UNIX, HP-UX, OpenVMS, UnixWare .

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